Food and Exercise

Vitamins for Heart Health

Many people take a multi-vitamin each day to get an extra boost beyond the nutrients they get from food.  But some vitamins are more important than others when it comes to heart health. You’ll want to make sure you’re getting enough of these heart healthy vitamins.

 Vitamin B6 and B12 have been found to lower the risk of heart disease.  People who have an adequate intake of these vitamins have been found to have less incidence of heart disease.  It’s not exactly known why, but scientists suspect it’s because these vitamins help to regenerate protein.

 Vitamin E is also thought to help prevent heart disease.   It was once thought that this vitamin could actually reverse heart disease in patients who already had it, but modern studies have not found that to be true.  Still, if you’re still in the stage or preventing heart disease this can be a useful vitamin.

 Vitamin K is also an important nutrient for heart health.  It actually has a role in the process of blood clotting.  You only need a small amount of this vitamin each day to keep your blood healthy.

 Folate is another nutrient that many people need to increase in their diet. This is particularly true for women of childbearing age.  Folate has been shown to help babies develop healthier and have reduced risk of congenital defects.  It also has been shown to help people reduce their risk of heart disease as adults.

It’s important to remember that the best way to get these vitamins is from food because your body can process them easily in this form.  But many people need vitamin supplements because their diet lacks the proper nutrients.

In this case, a good multivitamin that has these nutrients is sufficient to aid your heart health.  Many people make the mistake of taking too much of a vitamin.  Most of the time this doesn’t harm them, but the body just can’t absorb the vitamins.  That means that they’re really wasted.

The best thing to do is to take no more than the 100% daily recommended allowance of each vitamin.  This way you’ll get what you need, but not too much.  These vitamins are essential for your health and over a long period of time can reduce your risk of heart disease.  You’ll also have the added bonus of knowing that these vitamins play a role in the reduction of other diseases such as cancer.


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